Freelancing for The Artist

How To Get Freelance Gigs:

Retaining your freelancing client is always going to be based off word of mouth. The gossip is how good are you versus how good is she, versus, the style and type of art the dealer in mind. There is no telling wha they have in mind if the don't draw but what is the true question. The aclectic taste versus the 3d architect and new world perspective.
It's all about what you want it to say, or what the buyer in question wants, freelancing is not hey I'll draw this picture for you, it is
here is what I have drawn, 
here is what I can do for you for an extra fee.
Your inventory at one point in time can be your life. 
That's important to remember.

I spent a few days on this, waiting for paint to draw, dropping off things between clients and school,
this project was a pain in my behind, but Overall, it came out GREAT!!!
It was more than what they wanted, it was great!

I wish I had gotten a pic of it in the frame, but I do it because I love it!
B.Alon Brown